Commissioned by Birmingham City Council, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of VE Day. I worked with musician and audio artist Sarah Tiptoegirl Wilson to produce a piece of work which represented the cultural diversity of those involved in World War II.
We spent time talking to local groups such as The British legion and their welfare society, The Boys Brigade, local veterans clubs, memorial societies, residents of residential homes, church groups, day centres and age concern art scope.
This gave us a foundation to work from and enabled us to build links with people who have personal experiences of World War II. demonstrating the diversity of not only those who fought in the war but the people who were involved in different ways, such as people who were drafted from other countries, evacuees, fire services, munitions assembly and people who were children during the war.
Collecting audio and visual samples, music and stories that symbolise elements of their experience and portraits of individuals. For the final exhibtion these audio samples were made into a six track interactive sound piece, allowing the viewer to change the atmosphere in the room as they viewed the sixteen 2-meter square portraits hanging in the room.